American Idol showcases the top 12 girls tonight! I think the girls are very strong. Even Steven Tyler said we think we just saw our next American idol after watching Lauren Alaina audition.
So, let's find out! Here are the American Idol Top 12 Girls!
Ta-Tynisa Wilson singing Only Girl
she's very soft and quiet. She can't handle this song. Steven liked it, J'Lo said she started shaky but brought it home; Randy disagrees which is honest, she brought nothing special.
Naima Adedapo performing Summertime
with that beautiful voice of hers. I don't care for the song, but she's a good performer! J'Lo loved it, Randy says it was a little lounge something or other. lol But he enjoyed the 2nd half of the song. Steven thought it was beautiful.
Kendra Chantelle chose Impossible
an Xtina song. She's okay, nothing special. Not quite sure if she hit that high note just now. Love her outfit though! Randy really liked it, Steven also liked it, J'Lo says she has heart and she belongs here.
Rachel Zevita sings Criminal
and boy did she dress the part for this song! lol You go girl! Bright red lipstick, red and black frilly dress under a black cape she tossed aside. hahha She's got a good voice, just not sure if this was a strong performance. Steven says too Broadway for him. J'Lo also thought it was Broadway. Randy said it didn't work; it wasn't great.
Karen Rodriguez Hero
was her choice for tonight and she has an awesome voice! Also singing in Spanish in parts. Wow is she good! Jennifer Lopez is all about WOW! Goosebumps! Randy liked it and was happy she made it her own. Steven wants her to get with Jacob Lusk and sing it together. lol
Lauren Turner is singing Seven Day Fool
and although she has a good voice, I don't see greatness here. Maybe because I don't like the song. Randy loved it. Steven thought spectacular. J'Lo needs her to act it out more, but the song was great.
Ashton Jones sings Love Over Me
and she also has a great voice, but I don't like the song. Sheesh! All 3 Idol judges love her, but Randy didn't love the song. She's a Diana Ross!
Julie Zorrilla chose Breakaway
for her song and she starts out very weak. Awful big song but her voice isn't strong at all. No likey. J'Lo liked it? Oh, not the best thing we've seen her do. Randy said she didn't bring anything to the performance. Steven said wrong song for her.
Haley Reinhart Fallin
is her song choice and boy is she ripping it! I love her voice! Randy said the song didn't do anything for her. Steven loved it. J'Lo also loved it.
Thia Megia performs Out Here On My Own
and she has a fantastic voice at only 15 years old! Boring song, but great voice! Steven Tyler says perfect pitch. J'Lo also says it was beautiful. Randy loved it, too!
Lauren Alaina sings Turn on the Radio
and I wonder if Steven Tyler still thinks she's the next American Idol? Another young one at 16 years old. I love her!!! Energetic, great performer, great voice! She could win it! J'Lo says it's so effortless; she's a natural. Randy says she has natural talent; Kelly Clarkson meets Carrie Underwood! Steven loved it... I think. LOL
Pia Toscano chose I’ll Stand By You
and she has a great voice, but the performance was lacking. Of course the Judges gave her a standing O'. They all loved it.
Those are your top 12 girls! Did we see our next American Idol? I think we did!!! I'm standing by my prediction. I just love Lauren Alaina!
So, only 5 will make it through. I will choose Lauren, Karen Rodriguez, Pia Toscano, Haley, and Thia. What are your predictions?
Don't forget you can now vote online at American Idol!

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