Mar 24, 2010

American Idol results show starts off on a high note, but which American Idol wannabe will be whining at the end?

The top 11 came out singing Wake Me Up Before You Go Go and I must say, this is the first year I think they all really sound good together.

Miley Cyrus is all dressed up singing When I Look At You and it sounds like she's struggling a bit.  A couple of my kids can't stand her, but I like Miley!

Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato are singing Make A Wave and I don't know why everyone is going crazy cause they kind of suck.

American Idol Results!

Lee DeWyze is safe.
Paige Miles is in the bottom 3 and is going home.
Casey James is safe.
Crystal Bowersox is safe.
Andrew Garcias is safe.
Katie Stevens is in the bottom 3, but she's safe!
Tim Urban is in the bottom 3, but he's safe!
Didi Benam is safe.
Aaron Kelly is safe.
Siobhan Magnus is safe.
Big Mike is safe.

American Idol has it's top 10!  Are these worthy enough for the American Idols Tour?  Was the right one eliminated?


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