Jan 21, 2008

As usual, everyone's buzzing about the first week of American Idol. Favorites have been chosen, votes for the craziest are counted, and everyone has commented how civil Simon Cowell was this past week! Of the Idol contestants who received their golden ticket to Hollywood, the consensus around the net feel that Kristy Cook came out in the number one spot. She was the gal who sang Amazing Grace. However, everyone is also buzzing about the fact that she had a one-time record deal and if this will affect her later in the competition. Following Kristy's lead for the most popular votes are, Colton Swon who sang Boondocks, Junot Joyner who sang I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues, and Jessica Brown who sang I'll Stand By You. The American Idol loser who will be going back to the couch at her mother's apartment is pretty much voted the craziest one who auditioned last week. Yes, just do a search for Alexis Cohen and you will find parodies of her now famous rant against Simon and American Idol. I'm not sure which one was crazier. Alexis or Benjamin Haar, who waxed his chest for Paula Abdul. What do you think? Who is crazier? Alexis or Benjamin?


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